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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Suzie and Rainbow Bridge

Last year, I wrote a blog about my dog Suzie.  At the time, she was nearing the age of 10 and starting to slow down. If you never had the chance to read that post, here is the link.

Tuesday, Suzie died very suddenly.  I wasn’t there to hold her or comfort her when she collapsed.  Luckily, she died at her day care, so she was surrounded by people she knew and loved.

I am heartbroken.  My poor puppy, my little petite golden who brought so much into my life and Cathy’s life is now gone.

I’d like to think that right now, she is playing at Rainbow Bridge, free of her knee issues.  She is hanging out with Brady, Wendy, Alex, Dominique, and of course my first dog that I had when I was seven, Brownie.  (She was an Irish Setter, who are of course red, but I am a bit color blind…and quite frankly, I was a weird little kid.)  I am sure she is howling right now at Brady because he is playing keep away with a tennis ball.  And I’m sure the cats are thinking, “Holy Cow, that dog is loud!”

The thing about pets is that they bring you lots of joy, but you must understand that you are going to outlive them.  I know that.  I can intellectualize that.  But it doesn’t make my sadness go away.

So every time I get sad, I try to imagine her telling me “It’s ok, I’m ok, I miss you too, don’t feel guilty, and I’ll see you someday on Rainbow Bridge, and we’ll all be together.  Don’t cry.”

“Oh, one other thing.  When you get here, don’t forget to bring some cheese, ok?”

I won’t forget you Suzie…or the cheese.  Promise.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, this is straight from the heart and beautifully written. Suzie was a very special dog, and she was very fortunate to have you and Cathy as her parents.
    The sadness will be with you for some time. I am so thankful that she didn't suffer.
